LENZING™ and ECOVERO™ are trademarks of Lenzing AG. LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose is a viscose from the LENZING™ company. The wood used in its production comes from certified responsible forestry. Only ecological and non-toxic solvents are used for its production and the factories use a special production method so that water consumption and CO2 emissions are halved compared to conventional viscose. Read more about Lenzing, Ecovero and the Reflect label here.
LENZING™ and ECOVERO™ are trademarks of Lenzing AG. LENZING™ ECOVERO™ Viscose is a viscose from the LENZING™ company. The wood used in its production comes from certified responsible forestry. Only ecological and non-toxic solvents are used for its production and the factories use a special production method so that water consumption and CO2 emissions are halved compared to conventional viscose. Read more about Lenzing, Ecovero and the Reflect label here.